kindness tree with words of encouragement on hearts

Starting this month, Tonawanda Middle and High School have been doing a Spread Kindness Challenge. The goal is for the schools to come together as one community and spread love, kindness and positivity throughout the buildings.

Each Thursday is a new Act of Kindness for the students and staff to engage in together, such as telling someone why you appreciate or like them.

In the Middle School, a Kindness Tree is displayed with kind words and inspirational messages to students and staff.

The Spread Kindness Challenge will continue through the end of the school year.

If you would like to order a Spread Kindness t-shirt for your child, please send in $8 with your child and have them stop by the middle or high school main office to place an order with their name and shirt size. If they do not want to purchase a shirt, they can also wear a shirt with a positive message on Thursdays too!

Student orders will be due by Wednesday, February 14th at 2:40pm.