Community Voting Update Memo- 10/13/23
Name/Logo/Mascot Change Memo- 7/28/23
Mascot Transition Plan - 6/13/23
Superintendent Dr. Oldenburg District Update - 5/25/23
Mascot Regulation Background and FAQ - 5/01/23
RFA Proposed Regulation Notice from NYSED - 12/14/22
Superintendent Dr. Oldenburg Mascot Memo - 12/06/22
NYSED Proposed Additions to Prohibiting Certain Logos/Mascots - 12/01/22
NYSED Memo on Native American Mascots - 11/17/22
Mascot/Logo/Imagery Informational News:

January 9, 2024-The Tonawanda City School District Board of Education has approved a new mascot, the Timberwolves.
The mascot change followed a similar process to when they become the Red Warriors in 1947.
Starting in August, the community was able to submit their ideas for a new mascot. In October, the top 12 mascots were put up for a community-wide vote. The top three choices were presented to the student body during a November vote.
Throughout the entire process, the Timberwolves mascot was one of the top contenders.
The new logo will encompass the traditional Tonawanda maroon and white color scheme.
To view the new mascot presentation click here.
November 17, 2023 - The Final round of student voting will be open for two weeks starting November 20 and closing on December 1. The new mascot will be revealed to the public in the month of January. To view the final round top three click here.
October 16, 2023 - Our district has engaged in exploration and research to develop the future of our district name, logo, and mascot. Beginning today, October 16 through Sunday October 29, our community members can visit our committee website and cast a vote for their best choice for our new name/logo/mascot. Please note this is the preliminary round to determine the new name/logo/mascot for our district. Our current student population will have the loudest voice in the final voting round to frame their pathway to graduation and experiences that will soon be cherished memories.
click here for the Mascot Voting Website
August 1, 2023 - As promised, the community now has the opportunity to make suggestions and submit ideas for a new name, secondary logo, and mascot. Beginning today, August 1st through September 30th the electronic survey linked below will be available for all community members to engage in this process.
July 28, 2023 - The community will have opportunities to make suggestions and submit ideas for a new name, secondary logo, and mascot. Beginning August 1, 2023, an electronic survey will be available for all community members to engage in this process and make suggestions for our new name, secondary logo, and mascot. This survey will be active on August 1, and can be found by clicking HERE. Please view the full memo about this process by clicking HERE.
May 25, 2023 - As our district prepares to explore and research the future of our district name, logo, and mascot, it is important to realize that our colors will remain maroon and white, and our primary logo will remain a large circled âTâ.
Our district will soon engage our students and community in opportunities to suggest new ideas in these areas. A large committee, primarily student-centered and driven, will be assembled to research, investigate, and make recommendations to the Board of Education. This work will begin in June and is expected to conclude in late fall. The community will have opportunities to make suggestions and submit ideas for a new name, logo, and mascot throughout the process.
December 14, 2022 - Our District is aware of the recent announcement from the New York State Department of Education regarding the elimination of all Indigenous names, logos and mascots.
The Board of Education and I are awaiting clarifying information and answers to questions regarding the draft regulations that were recently developed by the Department of Education. These regulations, once adopted by the NYS Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education, should provide the requirements, restrictions, and parameters for a focused evaluation of the current logo and team name in our District.
This guidance will inform our pathway forward. The Board of Education and I are committed to a transparent process that includes clear communication and a purposeful approach that is appropriate for this sensitive topic.
While our District has proud history, traditions, and honor, we need to ensure that our past intentions appropriately match the contemporary concerns of our students, parents, staff, and our community. I will keep you informed in the coming weeks/months as we await more information from the NYS Department of Education that will define our next steps in this process.