A white wall full of different-colored emoji-style hearts.

Second-grade students, their families, Tonawanda faculty and district administrators gathered March 9 for the opening of a new artwork display at the City of Tonawanda Public Library. The display features the artwork of every student in the district's six second-grade classrooms. 

Based on the whimsical murals of artist Chris Uphues, students each made an emoji-style heart, which are hung mural style on a faux brick wall. The display was a perfect tie into the classes' discussions about the pros and cons of public art.

The artwork will be available to view during the public library's normal hours throughout the month of March. Tonawanda's Art Department will continue their partnership with the Tonawanda Public Library hanging a new display each month, featuring the artwork of a different grade level or elective course. The Art Department would like to thank Librarian Betsey Higgins and her staff for their hospitality and cooperation.